Published May 29, 2019
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“How do I begin to start adding content on LinkedIn?”
“I’m lacking confidence…”
“I don’t have anything to say…”
“What if I offend someone?”
“I don’t want my colleagues taking the p1$$ out of me…”
“I don’t know how to do it…”
These are the comments I hear all the time. I see people fretting and stressing about how to post a comment on LinkedIn. Getting active on LinkedIn is the first step to success, but many still cannot bring themselves to do it.
Start adding your perspective to other people’s conversations!
As Tech Support and Direct Sales expert Natalie Hughes said on LinkedIn, engaging with thoughtful opinions and comments makes the world of difference!
It really isn’t difficult to find conversations that you might have knowledge and opinions on. If you can’t find them, try searching for the appropriate hashtag in the LinkedIn search bar.
You could take the approach that Coach and Author, Vatsala Shukla, shared on LinkedIn: enjoy reading the comments first on a post and then React to the post because the person who published it has actually achieved something great, they have managed to get people in their network involved.
After reacting to a post and reading the comments, you will soon naturally find yourself tempted to comment. You won’t be able to resist!
HR Leader and Career Coach, Shelly Piedmont, admitted that sometimes the day gets away from her but even if it is in the evening, she always aims to spend at least 10 minutes just reading and commenting on posts her network have published on LinkedIn as she believes it can add a lot to your professional life.
Chelsea Elliott added to the conversation we had on this topic over on LinkedIn that great conversations can be had on the LinkedIn platform if only you’re willing to participate and interact…and great conversations lead to even greater relationships!
“This truly works! I have had my [LinkedIn] account for a long time but just started Connecting with people a few weeks ago because I commented on a few posts. You can find some hashtags you’re interested and go to town! Have genuine conversations with people instead of focusing on selling and just have fun. I’ve had some really great conversations on here thus far.”
Strategic Planner and Workshop Designer and Facilitator, Brenda Etchells, seconded what Chelsea had said by recently commenting on my post saying adding her own perspective to conversations other people were having on the LinkedIn platform had certainly gotten her noticed and opened up some great debates.
So, what are you waiting for?
For more advice on how to post a comment on LinkedIn and embrace being active on the platform, why not pop along to one of my upcoming LinkedIn workshops?
On how I can help you turn your Linkedin profile into multiple opportunities in a few hours.
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