Published October 22, 2018
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Common to pretty much all businesses and organisations is one problem they must solve: how to win new business?
With more than 570 million users worldwide, and with over 23 million of them in the UK, LinkedIn is a platform common to most adult working people.
These two points are connected, because LinkedIn has the potential to transform businesses. However, for this to happen, people must first understand it properly.
There are two fundamental elements to making LinkedIn work for you: your profile and engaging with others. These are co-dependent when it comes to winning business on LinkedIn. This week I’ll focus on sharing tips on how to get your LinkedIn Profile looking top-notch.
Around 10% of people on LinkedIn don’t even have a profile picture, but this is where you have the opportunity to make a good first impression.
As bad, if not worse than no picture is an inappropriate picture. This might be you on holiday, or out on the town.
Some people like to be pictured holding their beloved pet. This is not a good look, unless you’re some sort of veterinary professional.
Make sure your portrait pic is clear, uncluttered and with your eyes to the front. Match your look to what your business and personal brand is, and to the audience you wish to attract.
What have your set YOUR LinkedIn location to? Perhaps it is where you live (which a lot of people default to) or maybe it’s where you do business?
People often make the mistake of NOT representing themselves where they wish to attract attention on LinkedIn
Give this quick video a watch and I’ll share if YOUR LinkedIn location is working for you.
Think of your profile headline as an elevator pitch. It’s about letting people know clearly who you are, and what you can do for them. You’ve got 120 characters to play with to make yourself memorable.
With your summary, consider how your personal story will attract others to your business. And when it comes to qualifications, keep them relevant.
You want to work with people who understand what your skills are and see how they can benefit from your help.
Also look at content for your company LinkedIn page, as a means of reinforcing what brand your skills are attached to; and include your contact details.
The key thing here, however, is that your profile alone will not win business on LinkedIn. To do that, you must engage with others. Next week I’ll reveal some top tips on how to make LinkedIn work for you through engagement.
For more help with improving your LinkedIn Profile, you might want to consider booking onto one of my insightful and informal LinkedIn Workshops or explore my LinkedIn Profile Writing service.
On how I can help you turn your Linkedin profile into multiple opportunities in a few hours.
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