Published March 30, 2020
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Are you spending WAY too much time trying to find your next new clients through traditional means such as networking, cold-calling and sending out ineffective emails?
Is your competition out-performing you because they are leveraging the power of LinkedIn?
Are you wanting some of the LinkedIn cake (I wouldn’t blame you!)
Before I dive into sharing how to win your first 10 new customers via LinkedIn, I wanted to share a little secret in the video below with you…
Now that we’ve cleared that up let’s identify the factors you need to sort out in order to be successful at finding and nurturing new customers on LinkedIn…
Think professional headshot, smiling, full face in the frame and be dressed appropriately when it comes to your Profile Photo.
Be compelling, tell the story of how you can help and keep your LinkedIn headline full of valuable keywords you want your target audience to find you for.
I believe this should be not where you are, but where you would like to do business.
Are your Contact Details up to date? Are you using a professional email address that you check regularly? Make yourself fully contactable to avoid potential clients’ journeys ending at your LinkedIn Profile.
Is the link to your LinkedIn Profile personalised? Add your LinkedIn URL to your business card and email signature to get found.
To win at LinkedIn this section should be about you and not your company. LinkedIn is a social platform where people Connect with people. Tell your professional story. Add a Call-to-Action (CTA) and your contact details (that way even people who are not first-degree Connections can still see your contact details). Don’t deter prospective clients!
Demonstrate your expertise and your life journey, your achievements, not what you did but how you did it.
Detail your qualifications and which institutions you attended. Doing this helps to build your network and demonstrates your capabilities.
If you don’t prioritise your LinkedIn Skills LinkedIn and your Connections will – stay in control of what you want to be known and found for.
If you really want to know how to win on LinkedIn, your Recommendations are your chance to shine so seek them where you can. Do you regularly recommend people? You should!
If you don’t do/know the above how can you expect to know how to win on LinkedIn?!
Now that you have identified the different areas you need to improve to ensure you are maximising the LinkedIn platform I’ll leave you with some final words of LinkedIn wisdom…
Selling in a digital age is not about sending information about your company, it is about educating, being useful and helpful in solving problems and pain points. If you consistently create and share great content that helps your customers, you will stay front-of-mind and build increasing trust with your prospects.
Found this post useful? To benefit from more helpful guides like this how to win on LinkedIn manual, visit my Resources page for more FREE downloads.
On how I can help you turn your Linkedin profile into multiple opportunities in a few hours.
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