Valuable LinkedIn Training for Finance Professionals, Bankers and Investors.
find out moreThe finance sector faces many challenges as the cultural change of doing business often starts with social media related connections.
Reaching out to customers can be a daunting prospect, especially as the cost of getting it wrong can seem so high. How do you find customers of high net worth with whom you wish to build long-term relationships, whilst avoiding the pitfalls of badly managed social media channels?
LinkedIn boasts a wealth of benefits for professionals like yourself who work in the finance sector, not least being an invaluable resource for sourcing the right contacts. From posting interesting articles in LinkedIn groups associated with finance to interacting with prospective clients’ content, you can position yourself as the trustworthy thought-leader and finance expert that you are via this powerful business-to-business platform.
LinkedIn is not about direct sales. It is about communication and engagement. Using my experience, skills and knowledge, I coach you in the unique ways to strike a memorable chord with potential clients and develop beneficial relationships for the future.
Via my innovative and insightful LinkedIn training for the finance sector, I work with accountants, financial advisers, private equity companies, banks and more to seek effective and powerful ways to engage with your target audiences. Ignoring LinkedIn is no longer an option. The platform is a bounty of opportunities you cannot afford to miss.
“I have to admit, I was somewhat scared about the thought of going public on LinkedIn. My team were so far under the radar, we were invisible. People kept telling me we were missing a trick, but I frankly had no idea where to start. My company engaged Nigel to walk us through the process, from being absolute novices.
“In a space of only six months, we have become a credible organisation online and are generating new enquiries every week as a consequence of our combined effort on LinkedIn. I still wouldn’t say we are ‘naturals’ at this, but we are really motivated by our results to get better as time goes by.”
To find out more about my in-house LinkedIn training for finance professionals, please get in touch via the form below, email me at or call me on 07976 894 353.
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