However, the growth of social media selling now has a much greater impact on professional connections than ever before and cannot be ignored or half-heartedly used. The key is to utilise it correctly, tailoring your activity on social media to your profession.
I work with practices, often spanning a number of jurisdictions, to define a safe and successful strategy to use LinkedIn to develop thought leadership and augment existing marketing efforts.
Your personal brand is now vastly important online, as well as in your profession. You have a responsibility to represent yourself and your practice professionally. It is often people’s first port of call when seeking legal advice. Legal professionals, like yourself, can represent themselves in a number of different ways. These methods include sharing your valuable knowledge and insight in whatever field of law you practice.
My LinkedIn training for the legal sector ensures that you stand out as a knowledgeable legal professional and enables you to devise a safe and effective LinkedIn strategy for your practice.
Whilst the referral network will still maintain a steady flow of business, prospective clients are finding new ways to find the best service and support. Will you be found where and when they are looking?
“I was dragged kicking and screaming into putting social media onto my agenda…Nigel presented to our practice at a very high level and won us over…I didn’t have a profile picture, my LinkedIn profile told people nothing of my specialist services. We are now proud of our social profile and while we rarely win new business directly through our engagement, we know through website visitor tracking just how much our LinkedIn activity drives enquiries.?
“We [asked] Nigel to undertake some research…His ability to search and select potential opportunities was excellent. We now have a very good understanding of our target customers…and have a strategy to build a relationship with them.”
To find out more about my in-house LinkedIn training for legal professionals, please get in touch via the form below, email me at or call me on 07976 894 353.
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