Published January 28, 2019
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Have your LinkedIn view stats just taken a nose-dive?
A couple of connections have just asked me why their views on Posts have suddenly dropped?
“Views of a post had been several hundred then dropped to just a few hundred” (for the same post).
This happened to me before Christmas. I had over 5,500 of a post which then fell to 2,250 in a moment. It did rise back up again, but it was a strange thing.
Anyhow – it has just happened to me again!
I had just over 3,000 views of a post I published yesterday about how handy Boolean Operators are when searching for people on LinkedIn, which has just dropped now to 825!
One of my Connections put forward the idea that the drop in views was a ploy to attract more Premium members in a bid to get more people to pay for their LinkedIn accounts.
You know what I always say, I don’t see much point in many professionals having a paid-for LinkedIn Premium account if they aren’t already maximising the existing free LinkedIn account they currently have. If they are not engaging regularly on LinkedIn, asking and answering questions, sharing tips and insights, motivating and inspiring, connecting and networking on their LinkedIn account at the moment, chances are they won’t even when they start paying for LinkedIn!
Another one of my Connections, Coach and Mentor David Firman drew my attention to the possibility of LinkedIn altering their algorithms, experimenting with the various definitions of what constitutes to a ‘view’ on a post. He suggested that perhaps LinkedIn were adjusting the combinations of milliseconds that a certain proportion of a post had to be visible on-screen to be counted as being ‘viewed’ once. I had to agree with him, didn’t know so much ambiguity surrounded counting views!
What is happening, LinkedIn?
Anyone got any clues, or seeing the same thing?
P.S: Glitches like this make me grumpy, so I’ve found a reason to use a daft picture!
On how I can help you turn your Linkedin profile into multiple opportunities in a few hours.
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